Meet Lisa
Lisa Spivack is a practicing Marriage & Family Therapist and Registered Art Therapist with over 25 years of experience as a clinician. In her private practice, she specializes in the use of Art Therapy to help highly sensitive children cope in a frequently overwhelming world.
Lisa also teaches and provides consultation to licensed clinicians who want to incorporate art therapy into their work with children. Whenever she gets a chance, Lisa likes to immerse herself in nature by hiking, kayaking, painting, and photographing the beauty of Northern California.
Lisa has extensive experience providing individual, group, and family art therapy in a variety of settings. She has assisted children on School Campuses (Preschool thru High School); in Therapeutic Day Treatment Programs; at Children’s Hospital (CHLA); in Residential Treatment Centers; and in Cleveland Metro General Hospital. She has trained and supervised therapy interns and trainees.
Professional Affiliations
Lisa is registered with The American Art Therapy Association and licensed by the Behavioral Board of Sciences. She is a member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. And holds a certification in Mindfulness in Adolescent and Child Psychotherapy by the Marin Mindfulness Institute.
Dr. Elaine Aron, author of The Highly Sensitive Child, endorses Lisa, as having the knowledge and mental health training to effectively provide psychotherapy to Highly Sensitive Persons. You can learn more about the highly sensitive temperament trait on Dr. Aron’s website at hsperson.com.
Guest Speaker / Presenter
Cyber- Supervision: Connecting Across the Globe
Lisa co-presented at the Annual American Art Therapy Association Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico to share how art therapy supervision could be conducted online when the supervisor or supervisee is out of the country.
Art Therapy with Preschoolers
Lisa provided an in-service talk in the East Bay Agency for Children’s Therapeutic Nursery School in Oakland, CA to assist the staff in understanding how to utilize Art Therapy with Preschool age children.
Art & Child Development
Lisa was a guest speaker at California State University, Northridge in the Early Childhood Education Department explaining age-appropriate ways to provide art experiences to preschoolers.
Educational Product Presentations
As a product developer for Lakeshore Learning Materials, Lisa created and presented early childhood products to 200 national sales representatives at annual sales meetings.