Lisa Spivack

A Gallery of Client Artwork...

The purpose of this gallery is to share the depth of what can be expressed and explored through art…
when it may be too difficult or painful to be expressed in words.
At a glance, these creations are able to convey complex concepts like:

  • The exhaustion of parenting a special needs child
  • Creating a space to capture and contain one’s dreams
  • Attempting to “bridge” two worlds resulting from parent separation
  • Finding one’s balance in a chaotic world
Creating Space
Intimidation: a Form of Self Protection
Three Siblings Unite to Create a Sculpture
Finding Delight in Fancy Papers
Revenge and an Underlying Broken Heart
Parent-Child Relations: a Negotiation for Space
Seeking Nurturance in the Absence of a Mother
Night Time Revisited
Dream Journal
Group Storytelling
Parent Explores New Patterns of Interaction
Finding Balance
Feelings Box: a Safe Place to Vent and Contain
Feeling Sad
Feeling Left Out
Feeling Crazy
Escape From the Feelings Monster
Empty Bed: Grieving the Loss of a Twin
Creating a Group Pattern Through Teamwork
Using His Mouth to Draw a Gift for His Mother
A Free-Choice Sculpture
Coping Strategies Poster
Bypassing Brain Injury by Communicating Through Painting
Bridging Two Worlds After Parent Separation
Anxiety and Helplessness
An Illustration of Exhaustion: Parenting a Special Needs Child
A Worry Box